Thursday, July 31, 2008

Extension .MKV in Video file

Whats is MKV extension at multimedia file ?.
MKV is extension for multimedia file.

Good with codec x264/avc and the best quality pic from xvid/divx with same bit rate.
resolution and frame/sec is same. so can compress file if needed. specialy with frame and motion picture too fast. and if u see at bigger monitor u can see better performance. if u compare with same file and different comprestion example with divx/xvid u can see thats different.

weakness for this compression is

1) you need a bigger resource hardware, because thats use all prossessor and memory

2) Because is Open Source, so u must be waitting if u have a bug.

Thats enough for this mount informations.

for detail information about .MKV u can visit

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Postgresql setting

hi, before i have write about setting postgresql in my blogger at , but now i wan to write in english.

u can click in here for indonesian languages.

Ok first step for configuration postgresql at your server.

1. login fro shell as "root"
2. from command type "su postgres"
root@love [~]# su postgres

3.after login as user postgres create database test
bash-2.05b$ createdb test

4.after thats in postgresql u can view database test
bash-2.05b$ psql test

Welcome to psql 7.3.4, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help on internal slash commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit in postgresqlnya we create user super user :). example user usertest with password passtest
test=# create user usertest createdb createuser password ‘passtest’;

6.and edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf with vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf. and change tcpip_socket with true
tcpip_socket = true

7.after thats edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf and addressing line like below. example ip server :
host all all trust u can download phpPgAdmin from

9. extract in folder web with command
tar zxvf phpPgAdmin-3.3.tar.gz

10.edit file configure phpPgadmin , file conf/
edit :

$conf['servers'][0]['host'] = ‘′; // Hostname or IP address for server.
rubah sesuai dengan ip pada langkah nomor 7
11.restart postgresql
root@love [~]# /etc/init.d/postgresql restart web browser and type
13.input username and password like step nomber 5
14.after login ,create super user whatever you wan, and logout
15.from command, edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf and edit :
host all all trust
as :
host all all password

16.restart postgresql
root@love [~]# /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

17.if you get error like this “Login disallowed for security reasons.”
change your configuration phppgadmin at file “config.php atau” with line
$conf['extra_login_security'] = true;
$conf['extra_login_security'] = false;

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


today when i've read about success story from

“Jika anda lunak pada diri sendiri, maka dunia akan keras kepada anda. Sebaliknya, jika anda keras pada diri sendiri, dunia akan lunak kepada anda”

aThats in indonesian languages, and i translate in english like this
"if you soft on your self, then world will be hard to you"

and i willy like it with thats moto.
and i will try for implementation to my self, because the first time for testing is your self, and u can give point for thats.
lazzy or malas in indonesian is like tradition in indonesian, not all but too much like thats.
they dont have motivations for success.

today i will try it. i will different from other indonesian people.

wish me luck my friend

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Anime and memory

Anime, yes thats film cartoon from japan. i like because they have a story, and nice picture.
first time i see anime is "Saint Seiya", and my favorites anime until now.
Story about knight from greece, and them use cloth with special ability. like pegasus cloth use is seiya. phoenix with ikki, ryu using dragon cloth and the other.

setting story with background in greece GOD, hmmm when i remember Greece i remember my first time in chatting. Calif. until now i just know name. i dont know where is now. Calif give me a book about Greece History. about GOD, legend, and myth.

I call her "sis". because i dont have sis in my family, and my feeling is too close for her.

thanks you sis u give me a book. and until now i'll keep the book.


Today i will try to write something in here, yes to long time i'm not visited in here. Thats because i have other blog.
For the first time i will learn and write in english in here, because for indonesian languages i have place to and this blogger i make for english.

Today i will story about my new laptop. name for new laptop is deathscythe hell, why "deathscythe hell". Because i fan from japan anime "GUNDAM".

deathscythe is name from gundam with ability "steleath", fast, and power full when use scythe.
thats typical is same from my laptop. my laptop is Axioo, and type TEN718.
very light, powerfull, and i'm using linux for Operating System. so thats way my reason give name Deathscythe hell to my laptop.

Before i have laptop with type Sharp. and thats name is "deathscythe" without "hell".
but now my SHARP is gone.

Ok thanks you for read my blog.
may be i will try to write tommorow........c.......u..............